(SUN SALUTATIONS)…It is one of the most widely loved yoga sequences and it is easy to see why; it provides us with so many benefits for a minimal investment of time and effort:
- The whole front and back of our spine is opened up beautifully
- All the key joints and muscles in our arms, shoulders, neck, chest, back, stomach, abdomen and legs are moved and stretched
- Our whole body gets a great cardiovascular workout
- Stimulates and strengthens our digestive, elimination and respiratory systems
- Our mind learns to focus and to calm down as we practice with awareness – one technique for this is to focus on our breath as we flow through the poses
- We connect spiritually with the sun and the universal energy that it provides, encouraging us to receive with gratitude and humility
There are many different versions of the Sun Salutation Sequence and our favourite is the Chi Kri Surya Namaskar – the three videos below describe this in detail. We hope that this one will also be your favourite, your “go to” sequence whenever you want a great work out!
A word of precaution for those who have not previously experienced Surya Namaskar before: It can be physically fairly demanding, requiring strength, stamina and suppleness. As with all yoga practices, please remember to listen to and respect the body at all times. Work within your limits, at a pace that suits you.
- The whole front and back of our spine is opened up beautifully
- All the key joints and muscles in our arms, shoulders, neck, chest, back, stomach, abdomen and legs are moved and stretched
- Our whole body gets a great cardiovascular workout
- Stimulates and strengthens our digestive, elimination and respiratory systems
- Our mind learns to focus and to calm down as we practice with awareness – one technique for this is to focus on our breath as we flow through the poses
- We connect spiritually with the sun and the universal energy that it provides, encouraging us to receive with gratitude and humility
There are many different versions of the Sun Salutation Sequence and our favourite is the Chi Kri Surya Namaskar – the three videos below describe this in detail. We hope that this one will also be your favourite, your “go to” sequence whenever you want a great work out!
A word of precaution for those who have not previously experienced Surya Namaskar before: It can be physically fairly demanding, requiring strength, stamina and suppleness. As with all yoga practices, please remember to listen to and respect the body at all times. Work within your limits, at a pace that suits you.
Chi Kri Sun Salutations Video 1.
Chi Kri Sun Salutations Video 2.
Chi Kri Sun Salutations Video 3.
Chi Kri Sun Salutations Video 1.
Chi Kri Sun Salutations Video 2.
Chi Kri Sun Salutations Video 3.
The twelve poses of the Classical Sun Salutation Sequence are summarised below. They give a (gentler) alternative to the Chi Kri version, but are still fairly demanding. There are some variations in the Classical Sun Salutation, depending upon who has introduced this sequence; here we offer our suggestion, but feel free to modify it to suit your needs.

1. Mountain pose with hands in Namaste (on exhalation).
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to the friend of all”.

2. Standing Backward Bend with arms raised (on inhalation).
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to the source of illumination”.

3. Standing Forward Bend (on exhalation)
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to the Lord of the Heavens”.

4. Lunge, which is a variation of the Equestrian (on inhalation)
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to the remover of the darkness of my ignorance”.

5. Plank (suspend the breath or on next inhalation)
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to that which helps me make progress”.

6. Eight-Pointed Bow (on exhalation)
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to the source of my strength”.

7. Cobra (on inhalation)

8. Downward Facing Dog (on exhalation)
9. Lunge (on inhalation)
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to the son of the cosmic mother”.
10. Standing forward bend (on exhalation)
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to the vivifying power of the sun”.
11. Standing back bend (on inhalation)
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to the source of energy”.
12. Mountain pose with hands in Namaste
See step 1.
Spiritual aspect: “I bow to that which will help to enlighten me”.
This completes one half of the full round. Repeat the above twelve steps, but with the opposite leg for steps 4 and 9 so that both sides are worked equally.
The number of rounds and duration of practice depends upon your capacity and the time you have available. Start with a few rounds, eg 3 on each side, and build up from there.
Allow some time to relax in Savasana at the end, which is the ideal way to allow the energy flowing within you to settle.
(Note: Photographs taken at Shreyas Yoga Retreat, Bangalore: